北大工学院特邀报告:“复合材料之父”、美国国家工程院院士Stephen W. Tsai(蔡为仑)博士

题  目:Opportunities in Composite Materials and Structures

时  间:2006年10月13日(周五)下午2:00

地  点:北京大学力学大楼434大教室

演讲者:Stephen W. Tsai,Professor emeritus research, Department of  Aeronautics & Astronautics,Stanford University


       Composite materials became suitable for structural applications when boron and carbon fibers emerged as commercial products in the late 1960’s.During the last 40 some years much research and development effort in Japan and the US have resulted in major impact on structures for aircraft and spacecraft.  The all-new Boeing 787, for example, is made with 50 plus percent of the structures in composites, 30 tons per plane.  The fan blades of its engines by General Electric are also composites.  This presentation will describe how the design processes of composites for aircraft structures.  Composites are now commercial products and have outstanding properties that combine high stiffness, low weight, and durability against corrosion and fatigue.  When weight or durability is important for a system composites are unmatched.  For any engineer interested in high performance structures composites should be one of his/her options.
      Professor Tsai was a student at Yenching University and went to the US in 1948.  He graduated from Yale Unverisity with BE and D.Eng.  He started his work in composite materials in the early 1960’s.  Prior to Stanford University he worked for Ford, Washington University, and the US Air Force Research Laboratories.  He served 25 years as the first Editor-in-Chief of Journal Composite Materials.  He is best known for his books on composites and Tsai-Wu failure criterion.  He is a member of the US Academy of Engineering.  He has been an adjoint professor at Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. He is often introduced as the father of composites.

美国国家工程院院士,斯坦福大学终身教授Stephen W. Tsai(蔡为仑)博士简历:

Tsai教授毕业于美国耶鲁大学,1952年, 1961年分别获学士和博士学位,之后长期在美国斯坦福大学航空航天系担任教职。Tsai教授是国际复合材料力学界的权威,在1968年他和著名力学家R. Hill合作,提出了Tsai-Hill(蔡-希尔)强度准则,对复合材料力学的强度理论产生了深远影响,沿用至今。1971年又提出了张量形式的Tsai-Wu(蔡-吴)强度理论。Tsai-Wu理论的数值计算与实验符合的相当好。此外,Tsai教授在复合材料各向异性非线性变形性能的分析方面,也做了开创性的研究工作。

Tsai教授是美国国家工程院(the National Academy of Engineering)院士,长期活跃在国际复合材料力学学会上,他也是the American Society of Mechanical Engineering和the Society of Aerospace Materials and Process Engineers的成员。Tsai教授编著出版了不少复合材料力学的教材,和复合材料设计方面的著作。国内翻译出版了他的专著:蔡为仑,复合材料设计(The design of compositematerials),北京,科学出版社,1989。


联系人:张老师  62751138   李老师  62753831
